Matching is the process by which the Eyekandy servers match the request from your site with the Unique Product Identifier (or category in the case of AR Avatar:Category-Level) that you send us. On a successful match we will return correct content for your user to experience. If no match is found, we gracefully fail and do not display the Eyekandy Service to your user.
Product Level
A product level match requires a Unique Product Identifier which we can match to one of our models and QR codes so that the Eyekandy Syndication Service provides the correct experience for the product display page (PDP).
You will find the details of the Unique Product Identifiers that we accept under the Reference section. Once your
<script />
is configured with the appropriatedata-eky-mpn
attributes our servers can make the match and set your users on their journey.
Category Level
The only service that uses a category attribute is AR Sales Avatars. By passing in the
attribute with a value that matches an entry in our Category List you are instructing our servers to make a match for the AR Sales Avatars service on that category page and as long as the avatar is matched it will be returned. You can see an example of this service here.
Site-Wide is only used with AR Sales Avatars. These Avatars are syndicated to all pages on your site and are intended to explain offer generic engagement for the user; subjects around your brand, ESG, policies that users might need to understant, age restraits etc.
If you are syndicating a Site-Wide AR Sales Avatar then there may be some page that you don't want to display the avatar on. To implement this see our section on